Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Sat in a room last night with 6 other art makers and life questioners.

I had to leave early.

But it was so worth it for a small step towards
a simple practice of community and support.


Patrick said...

No real response to this other than 'yay!' But there we are. So glad you're finding that community of support, especially at this crucial, post first season stage.

Dame Wendy said...

Hey lovely! Just wanted to say hey. :)

Unknown said...

Hey and yay back to both of you!!
Here's another fab part of this project-the concept of Group Notes. One person starts the notes, everyone responds with aspects (briefly) they took away from the meeting, then the original "kicker" re-organizes them to be a ready a week before the next meeting!
these are some determined and organized artists.
I have so much to learn!
