A Pop a fast spinning and BANG I seem to have landed my work on stage with two warm talented and wonderful artists - conveniently enough they are also two of my favorite people in the world.
Jeff - living at Odin's Aviary
Patrick's Loose Ends
Jeff's Lloyd Schlemiel (who I misspell constantly, and may have again just now...)
is painfully funny and wonderful - he borrowed Madeline and the two of them stole the hearts of our audience!
Patrick's roaringly passionate and wonderful Bromios owns and I mean OWNS love and sensuality in an in your face reminder of life's small and gorgeous moments.....
My biggest failing in the show has been my inability to get Sharon's (knitsisters - sharon estacio) beautiful film to project on the vaulted ceiling! I am hoping I find a way this afternoon to make it happen..... wish me luck!
But, Sharon forgiving me my technical issues - I am incredibly proud of this show and the integration of characters and search we have created together - as Jeff said - we are absolutely not in this alone - we are support for one another and playing along with the band of the show as it brings us all together as a cast of wacky dancing characters!
Congratulations on pulling together what sounds like a great show...wish I could be there to enjoy it first hand!
Hi Greg! Thank you! it is really a wonderful thing - wish you could join us too!
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