Monday, April 12, 2010

In the Fray of Endings

Week 8
This is it - my time in Syracuse is coming to an end - each day now marks the thoughts of "wow. that's the last..."
I found myself generous with 1st period, incredibly frustrated at bad behavior in 2nd period, giving 4th period a playful choreography assignment, taking 6/7 outside to create a dance in the chilly sunshine and getting just this much closer to finishing the piece for the Ensemble.

The behaviors in 2nd period are upsetting because when they are good, I love them. But when they are bad, I could easily walk out of the room and not look back.

Of course all teachers feel that way about one class or another. I'm lucky that most of my classes can stay focused and on the tasks of dancing. But I also admit, that is not behavior one sees often in the arts professionally. Oh sure, we've all got our fruitbat scenarios (as friend Patrick calls certain types of rehearsals) but disinterest and flat out rude behavior? No. Not as often.
So they are not inspired, and I am not inspired to do the work to inspire them....
What an ugly spiral that is!
So I'll avoid that if I can manage to stick to the positive ideas, and find their creative joy again.

And here we go - I may try to post mid-week since we all know how quickly things shift during the final moments somewhere!

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