Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I went for a solid week with no voice.  I sounded like a croaky frog.  then I saw American Splendor (the film about Harvey Pekar with Paul Giamatti and a fabulous life/reality/real meta reference throughout - super smart film.)  and realized.... it could be worse.

Maybe that was an experience with a few lessons involved.
Lesson #1. How to communicate without a voice - FAILED (I kept talking throughout...)
Lesson #2. How to make people listen - PASSED (I kept talking throughout)
Lesson #3. How to rest your voice - FAILED (I kept talking throughout)

LESSON #4. I don't learn very well - UM.

How does this connect to anything dance related?  (the same as everything does...it's ALL connected)

I am currently in an 8 month long (hard) lesson about limitations and boundaries.

I want Kinesis Project and all that we do to succeed, as fully as we deserve to
Our dances are incredibly well received - people love PRESSING EMPTY and MAPPING HOME is getting more and more exciting.....
I have found myself in corner after funding corner clawing our way out, to find myself there again.

With funding structures the way they are currently, Kinesis Project is in a very similar row-boat with roughly most of the New York City small dance companies (that link goes to the report entitled "The State of New York City Dance")

Staying still for a moment, finding a Long-Term Solution may be the only way we will PASS this challenge.
HOWEVER....... there are seriously exciting things afoot!!!!

Ah, Art.

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